Maisie Anna Navina

Maisie won us over with her charisma. She comes across as strong and grounded, yet delicate and sensitive. Maisie lives out her creativity in many areas. She dances hip hop, goes skating and takes photos, sits at the piano or picks up the guitar and likes to sing along. Sometimes the fashion enthusiast simply grabs the sewing machine and tries out an idea. Being able to express herself as an actress is the fulfillment of a great wish for Maisie.

Year of birth 2002
Nationality German
1. residence in Berlin
Place of residence Berlin
Possible accommodation Mönchengladbach, Cologne, Düsseldorf
ethn. Appearance Mix white and black
Hair color Dark brown
Hair length Long
Eye color Dark brown
Stature Slim
Size 1,65
Confection 34
Language(s) German - mother tongue, English - fluent
Singing Pop
Voice pitch Mezzo-soprano
Instrument Guitar, Piano
Sport Riding, skating
Dance HipHop - good
Driver's license No
2021 A-levels

Maisie Anna Navina


Maisie Anna Navina 〰️


Vivien Sczesny


Gianna-Valentina Bauer