Jens Hajek

Jens Hajek is often and gladly cast as the charming friend or neighbor - and has been showing his comedic side on the stages of this country for years. But he can also do other things - and he is always happy to have the opportunity to show his "darker" side.

Year of birth 1968, Ratingen
Nationality German
1. residence in North Rhine-Westphalia
Place of residence Düsseldorf
Possible accommodation Berlin, Frankfurt a.M., Hamburg, Cologne, Munich
ethn. Appearance Central European
Hair color mottled gray
Hair length short
Eye color brown
Stature muscular
Size 179 cm
Confection 48
Language(s) German - mother tongue
English - fluent
French - good
Dialects/Accents Saxon, Ruhrpott, Rhenish
Sport Badminton, rafting, squash
License B (motor vehicle)
Special knowledge Moderator, spokesperson for advertising

1996 - 1998: Cologne Drama School - Center for Movement with Ian Halcrow

Jens Hajek


Jens Hajek 〰️

Jens Hajek

Anton Petzold


Konrad Neidhardt